Kinovis was used during the end of 2020 to produce 4D sequences of medieval swords handling.
This shooting will be showcased during an exposition about European Martial Arts in 2022 in Switzerland, prepared under the direction of Daniel Jaquet from the University of Berne, in collaboration with the EPFL and the Ancien Arsenal de Soleure Museum.
Swordmen are researchers from Universities of Gröningen and Warsaw.
Author: boissieu
4DHO – 4D Human Outfit dataset release
After several months of work, the 4DHO dataset is released ! The paper “4DHumanOutfit: a multi-subject 4D dataset of human motion sequences in varying outfits exhibiting large displacements” related to the dataset will be published in Computer Vision and Image Understanding. See the dedicated page for further information.
Medieval swordsmen
MarchAlp Presentation Day, Nov 22 2019
Broadcast of the MarchAlp report by Telematin (France2)
Report about MarchAlp by Telematin (France2)
We welcomed a France 2 team on the 19th of june to make a report about the MarchAlp project.
Reconstruction of Armored knights for the MarchAlp project
During may and june 2019, the Kinovis platform travelled in time back to 16th century. In the framework of the MarchAlp project, researchers, historians, bio-mechanicians and sportsmen aim to re-create hardware and human conditions of the crossing of the Alps by the François 1er army in 1515 in order to scientifically measure this performance. Before reproducing the walk in reality, participants were reconstructed with and without armors thanks to the Kinovis Platform.
MarchAlp: Crossing of the Alpes by François Ier next July
AFP/relaxnews news
Note : all the articles mention 68 cameras and 13 PCs, while there are 21 PCs !
Also shared in
- “La Provence”, 14/06/2019
- , 16/06/2019
- UGA news , 13/06/2019
- Sciences & Avenirs , 14/06/2019
- Documentaire Megapixailes