Medieval swordsmen

Kinovis was used during the end of 2020 to produce 4D sequences of medieval swords handling.
This shooting will be showcased during an exposition about European Martial Arts in 2022 in Switzerland, prepared under the direction of Daniel Jaquet from the University of Berne, in collaboration with the EPFL and the Ancien Arsenal de Soleure Museum.
Swordmen are researchers from Universities of Gröningen and Warsaw.

The Grimage platform : Interaction and Telepresence using Image Based 3D modeling


GrImage – Immersion and telepresence par InriaGrImage Benjamin Petit, Jean-Denis Lesage, Edmond Boyer and Bruno Raffin (INRIA) Abstract: This video presents an immersive environment that allows collaborative and remote 3D interactions. The environment uses multiple camera systems and 3D modeling tools to build, in real time, virtual models of users.…

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