The CHU platform

The acquisition platform at  Grenoble Hospitals is equipped with 2 Xray cameras and an 8 color camera (4MPixels) system that provides 3D textured meshes. Both systems can shoot at 30Hz.

Image intensifiers

3D Sketch Kinovis CHU


The first installation and tests of this setup were performed march 10, 2014.

Setup image gallery :

After the installation aText Image intensifier Image intensifier Control devices and Radiometer Tests with wood pieces Tests with wood pieces Tests with wood pieces and colored lead balls Calibration Workspace

One Comment

  1. As a researcher in Medical Image Processing, I am interested to know, if we can get “sample images” out of this modality to explore testing the algorithms that we had developed.

    I am also curious to know on what are the challenges that exist and need to resolved for further medical investigations using these images.

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