Tag: 4d
Kinovis at Experimenta – Grenoble, 08-10/10/2015
ANIMO ( A#1trailer 2014 et A#2maquette 2015) from gwendaline bachini on Vimeo. The prototype of A#2 willl be displayed at EXPERIMENTA 2015, in Grenoble. A#2 is an interactive installation created by Gwendaline Bacchini with the help of 4DView Solution and SIP Conseil, as well as the Morpheo Team at Inria…
The CHU Platform
Kinovis at Experimenta – Grenoble, 08-10/10/2015

ANIMO ( A#1trailer 2014 et A#2maquette 2015) from gwendaline bachini on Vimeo. The prototype of A#2 willl be displayed at EXPERIMENTA 2015, in Grenoble. A#2 is an interactive installation created by Gwendaline Bacchini with the help of 4DView Solution and SIP Conseil, as well as the Morpheo Team at Inria…