Photo session at Kinovis

Here are a few pictures taken during an acquisition in Kinovis.

During the geometrical calibration of the 3D reconstruction system, we show lights on a so-called “wand” to all the cameras. To improve the detection, the studio is in the dark.

Calibration leds stick

Calibration leds stick

Then we do a “dance” where we move the wand around in all the locations where we want to do 3D reconstruction. In reality, the studio is kept dark.

Calibrating with the leds stick

Calibrating with the leds stick

After the calibration, which lasts about 15 minutes, the system can be used to do offline 3D reconstruction. In offline mode, a video sequence is acquired first…

Dancer performing on the kinovis stage

Dancer performing on the kinovis stage

… then the reconstruction can be done interactively at selected time instants.

Engineers monitoring kinovis reconstruction

Engineers monitoring kinovis reconstruction

The 3D reconstruction also works in real-time, but without textures. This is still an area of active development and discussion between researchers and engineers…

Engineers monitoring real time reconstruction, while dancer is showing on the stage

Engineers monitoring real time reconstruction, while dancer is showing on the stage

… in front of a huge 4k screen.

Engineers showing different reconstructed frames on screen

Engineers showing different reconstructed frames on screen

Participants: Julien Pansiot, Vanessa Peregrin, Matthijs Douze. All photos are © Inria / Photo H. Raguet.

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