Kinovis at Experimenta – Grenoble, 08-10/10/2015

ANIMO ( A#1trailer 2014 et A#2maquette 2015) from gwendaline bachini on Vimeo.

The prototype of A#2 willl be displayed at EXPERIMENTA 2015, in Grenoble.

A#2 is an interactive installation created by Gwendaline Bacchini with the help of 4DView Solution and SIP Conseil, as well as the Morpheo Team at Inria Grenoble, for the Creamove project .

This installation uses data produced in Kinovis and shows an amazing example of how 4D data can change the way 3D animated content is produced!

Feel free to visit the exhibition, and stop by the A#2 installation! The entrance is free!

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