Ground truth data for Attitude Estimation for Pedestrian Navigation with Smartphones acquired in Kinovis

Thibaud Michel, PhD student in the Tyrex & Necs  teams used Kinovis to acquire ground truth data for Attitude Estimation for Pedestrian Navigation with Smartphones. His paper was accepted at IPIN 2015. This is the first paper using Kinovis Mocap system to be accepted! For more information, please visit the project website.…

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Initial CHU setup

Today, we installed the CHU setup for the first time and we did some calibration tests. You can find Here a description of this setup. The first installation and tests consisted in : finding the good space configuration for the X-ray C-Arms routing the alimentation/synchronisation cables from the workspace to the acquisition…

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Building works

The Kinovis multi camera setup needs a large space to perform multi-camera acquisition for 3D reconstruction. The INRIA library room, because of its size, was chosen as the unique solution in the INRIA building to set up the platform. The INRIA library will be relocated in a new room close to…

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